
That which is up

Hey, everyone! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? So, I figured, it’s time for a little update. Then again, who posts updates on the “news” section of their website anymore? It’s such a late 90s thing to do. Nowadays, it’s all about constant 500-character Twitts or one-line status updates; I get it; I really do. It’s not without its merits, but that doesn’t stop me from finding it rather annoying. Not to mention a wee bit alarming when considering its impact on attention spans and the overall appreciation of the written word.

In any case, consider this an Easter Egg and let’s get into it.

2019 has been a busy year for me. A very busy year indeed. I know you can’t tell by looking here, at my site, but quite a few things have been going on behind the scenes. I wouldn’t want to go all diary on you, but the short version is this: after two years of hard work I got my Masters in Creative Writing, moved to the UK (picked a hell of a time to do so too; ‘oh, hai, Brexit’, as a certain infamous Disaster Artist would say) and started my PhD in Classics and Ancient History.

On top of that, I decided it was high time to revamp my publications’ portfolio. To that end, I’ve taken “Apolysis” and “Pillars of Humanity” completely out of circulation. It might be a while until they are completely removed from all online bookshop lists, but the deed is done. I feel that both of these books no longer represented my current level of writing, being products of my very early stages of writing in English. It is best that they go to sleep into the warm and welcoming darkness of my personal archive. As to why my latest Greek novel is out of circulation too… well, let’s just say that this was a decision completely out of my hands and the result of a very bad and disheartening experience with a Greek publisher. In all honesty, I should have known better.

In the meantime, I’m keeping ridiculously busy with an assortment of writing projects ranging from all sorts of translation work, academic writing and personal black projects you don’t have clearance to know about. That does not mean, however, that a brand-new novel isn’t in the works. And by “the works”, I mean in the process of being published. So, stay tuned for coming updates!

Until then, feel free to follow my page on Facebook (using the "f" button at the bottom right of the side menu) for highly bizarre quotes from an eclectic selection of ancient sources. Why? Because fuck dinner photos and cat memes. Your news feed deserves better.


Article Published: Sunday, 15 December 2019