Manual of Incorporeal Anatomy: The Celestial Hierarchy of Iamblichus of Calchis

Manual of Incorporeal Anatomy: The Celestial Hierarchy of Iamblichus of Calchis


Discover over 30 full-colour artistic nude compositions interwoven with the text of one of Iamblichus’ initiatory discourses and let the eyes of your soul see what is not body as body...

Iamblichus of Chalchis (c.245-c.325) was a distinguished philosopher and mystic in Roman Syria. In his most esoteric of teachings, he taught a peculiar brand of Classical Greek metaphysics suffused with Graeco-Egyptian magic: a divine art of such potency that could draw the Gods down to Earth and make them manifest themselves in visible form.

His work “On the Mysteries of the Egyptians, Chaldeans, and Assyrians”, contains the most detailed description of the hierarchy of celestial beings that has survived from Late Antiquity: Souls, Daemons, Hylic and Cosmic Archons, Angels,
Archangels and Gods. Ranging from the magnificent to the outright frightful, the anatomy of these beings was meticulously catalogued by Iamblichus during his tireless experiments with the holiest of occult rites .

The present curious little photobook is a window to this strange and awe-inspiring realm of incorporeal entities. Combining a literary translation of the original Greek text with artistic nude photography, it is an invitation to an esoteric exploration of transcendental beauty.



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